Thursday, July 4, 2013

About Adult ADHD - Overview and Resource

By Donovan Baldwin"

When asked to imagine a person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many people come up with the image of a hyperactive child in a store, an apparently undisciplined and disruptive kid in the classroom, or a kid who takes longer than necessary to finish a homework assignment...if it gets finished at all.

What many do not realize, however, is that while it is true that ADHD afflicts millions of children, it is also a disorder that affects upwards of 8 million adults.

How Can Adult ADHD Be Recognized?

Many people tend to think of ADHD as a childhood disorder, but do not realize that as many as 80 percent of children with ADHD will continue to exhibit symptoms into adolescence. Some will eventually reach a more normal state, but up to 65 percent of children will continue to exhibit symptoms of ADHD into adulthood.


Adults with untreated ADHD may be perceived as "scatterbrained", "disorganized" or "lazy", word which I often heard as a child and continued to use to define myself as I became an adult. What many people are unaware of is that ADHD is not just "sloppy thinking" but is actually an impairing neurological disorder, rather than just an organizational or behavioral problem.

In a book titled "Scattered Minds: Hope and Help for Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" the author, Dr. Lenard Adler, who is director of the Adult ADHD Program at New York University, presents recent information for the growing number of adults who suspect that they, or a loved one, have ADHD. The easy-to-read book reviews previously unrecognized signals of ADHD, misconceptions about this poorly understood disorder and information about how to get an accurate diagnosis....and treatment options.

How Can Adult ADHD Diagnosed?

Unfortunately, there is no single objective test to determine if someone has ADHD. In his book, however, Dr. Adler has included a simple self-screening list which allows an individual to get an idea of their status. This screener has been adopted by WHO, the World Health Organization, and helps the reader assess whether they, or someone they know, have symptoms of ADHD.

Dr. Adler urges his readers to fill out the screening device and bring it to their physician for a more formal evaluation.

How Can Adult ADHD Be Treated?

Although there is no real "cure" for ADHD, there are accepted treatments that specifically help patients control its symptoms. In "Scattered Minds", Dr. Adler explains that the most common treatments include educational approaches, psychological or behavioral modification, and prescription medications, such as Adderall. Some people experience some help with high doses of Vitamin B-12.

Adults with unrecognized and untreated ADHD often experience a higher risk of lower educational and occupational achievement, difficulties in their relationships with family and friends, and a greater risk for driving accidents, work-related accidents, and traffic tickets. Adults who have not been treated for ADHD are 50 percent more likely to be unemployed as well as twice as likely to smoke cigarettes, and often use alcohol to excess.

Many tend to be "speed demons", thrill seekers, and "adrenaline junkies".

"Scattered Minds: Hope and Help for Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
" illuminates previously unrecognized signals or symptoms for adults who suspect they may have ADHD. It emphasizes that ADHD is not some imaginary difficulty experienced by wierd people, but is very real and is an accepted medical condition.

Adults who have ADHD often have greater difficulty dealing with everyday problems than their peers and generally face challenges in their personal lives and careers that their peers do not encounter. If you suspect you or somebody you know may have adult ADHD, pick up a copy of "Scattered Minds
" and take the simple screening test you will find there.

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