Friday, June 2, 2017

Signs of ADHD

By Donovan Baldwin

I have ADHD. I was not diagnosed until I was in my 60's. Here's some facts about people like me:

1. I might explode if I don't say everything, right now, no matter what.
2. Once a conversation gets past the first sentence I'm lost.
3. The answer to a question in the middle of a conversation is uhhhh.
4. Post-it notes and scraps of paper are how I keep track.
5. Grown-ups do things that don't really matter to me
6. A repetitive system works for me...until it doesn't any more
7. A calendar or appointment book...which I forgot I had anyway
8. Trying to decide which white socks to buy
9. Taking out the garbage and winding up washing the car
10 Finding strange things in strange places, with no idea why.
11.Remembering why
12. Wanting to keep driving because your mind is quiet...or busy
13. Lying awake for three hours because your mind won't shut up
14. Thinking of something and doing it...right matter what
16. You clean a room by throwing everything away, or stacking it
17. You need a pet that cares for itself (spouse)
18. "Fun" equals "sensory overload" equals "not fun"
19. Multiple "Windows" open on your computer (5 - doing good)
20. Out of sight, out of mind...literally.
21. You stop studying an instrument as soon as you know how it works.