Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good Days and Not-So-Good Days as I Try to Leave ADHD Behind

First of all, let me say that I have NOT been neglecting this new blog of mine because of ADHD!!!

I have been busy.

However, since going on Adderall 10 days ago, I have also been experiencing some of what it is like to live with diminished ADHD.

I used the word "diminished" for a reason.

In my world before Adderall, I, like many others with ADD/ADHD, had good days and bad days. There were days in which everything was crystal clear and my mind was as sharp and as focused as a laser. Twenty-four, or even four, hours later, however, the light had gone out of the laser, and I had lost track of what had seemed so clear and bright to me before...if I remembered it at all.

When I began taking the Adderall, it seemed as if a whole new world had opened up for me. Everything was an epiphany. Even going into the library and actually being able to read, one-by-one, all the titles on the spines of the books on the shelves as they tried to shove each other out of the way and get me to focus on them only to be shoved out by the next book...or even the next set of shelves...was an exciting event.

However, I began to notice that not everything was perfect all the time. Even with medication, at least in my case, I have good days and not-quite-so-good days, good moments and not-quite-so-good moments, but, overall, I can tell that I am in a new world and am trying to find my footing in this slightly unfamiliar territory.

Best of luck to you if you are also trying to travel from an ADHD world to a life without this thing that has been a part of my life for the last 60 years.

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